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LEED certification Promprylad. Renovation

“Green” certification is an international trend that took hold of the Ukrainian real estate market just 10 years ago. The Shell office in the capital was the first in Ukraine to be assessed for compliance with energy-efficient and ecological building principles and received the LEED Gold certificate.

Every year, more and more companies realize the importance of certification as a new round in the evolution of the market. One of its main requirements is the minimization of the negative impact on the environment and the rational use of resources. These values ​​are part of our philosophy and project. We are currently on our way to a “Silver” mark in the worldwide LEED building certification system.

Construction and reconstruction at Promprylad. Renovation is led by our partner and investor, the international company DELTA Ukraine, one of whose main services is the certification of buildings in accordance with global Green Building standards.

“Green” construction standards are indicators of the efficiency of water use, the use of eco-materials, the design of interior spaces in accordance with the needs and comfort of people, the energy efficiency of real estate, etc. Each of the criteria is evaluated on a 100-point scale. For example, our energy efficiency ratio is 9.0 m2/S*W, which significantly exceeds even European standards. We achieved this thanks to insulation with three hundred millimeter EPS panels and additional laying of brick tiles.

Such solutions require more finances, but make it possible to use energy-saving technologies and reduce the harmful impact on the environment. So far, we have already insulated 60% of the facade. By winter, thermal modernization will be completed.

It was chosen to be certified by LEED – the most difficult of all rating systems.

The minimum number of points that must be obtained for certification is 40. This means “certified”, that is, the building is certified.
50-59 points – “Silver”
60-79 points – “Gold”
80+ points – “Platinum”

LEED-certified buildings are a “green” light for investors, an indicator of project reliability and social responsibility.

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