Secondary school centre Schärding
Project Details
Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft mbH
DELTA Services
- General planning
- Site supervision
- Project management
- Project monitoring
Construction period: 19 months
Floor area: approx. 3.200 m2
Total area: approx. 13.800 m2
Construction Period: 6/2005-1/2007
- Construction within an occupied building
- Phased gutting of the buildings with structural strengthening and complete renovation of all building works including mechanical, electrical and plumbing services.
- Thermal upgrade of the building envelope
The remodelling and repairs to the existing secondary school centre in Schärding involved the addition of new floors to some parts of the building and the enclosure of the entire inner courtyard with a glazed roof. The cooling of the new atrium space is by means of convection cooling from the north side via an underground service corridor. Fire compartments and escape routes were reconfigured. The gymnasium, changing rooms and toilets were renovated.
Photos: Fill