Construction logistics

Construction logistics

Basic principle of construction logistics: proactive planning

The credo of all logistics experts at DELTA is “Having is better than needing”. This principle guides our construction logistics, which aims to recognise and solve problems before they actually arise. Construction logistics at DELTA is divided into two main areas: strategic planning and operational logistics.

Strategic construction logistics

Strategic construction logistics encompasses the overarching planning of building complexes, major construction projects or urban development areas. This refers to scheduling and logistical planning that determines who does what, when, where and how, as well as the conditions that must be met so that all parties involved can fulfil their obligations by the defined date. The planning horizon ranges from weeks and months to several years.

Our services in strategic construction logistics include

  • Planning of construction site equipment areas, cranes, construction roads and mass management for earthworks and concrete
  • Access and slot management
  • Construction site and occupational safety
  • Supply and waste disposal management
  • Support for official procedures and coordination with municipal and state-wide installation departments
  • Coordination of settlement

Operational construction logistics

Operational construction logistics at DELTA monitors compliance with all specifications and rules, identifies deviations and initiates short to medium-term countermeasures. Detailed scheduling and coordination at working level are the order of the day here. Changes, regardless of their origin, are analysed, evaluated and, if necessary, addressed with suitable measures.

Tools and partnerships

To fulfil these tasks, our construction logistics specialists use a comprehensive set of tools, such as overview plans, interface lists, schedules, meeting circles and carry out intensive discussions as a central information hub in the project. We have long-standing partnerships with partner offices and companies for additional services.

DELTA services at a glance

  • Development of a construction logistics concept
  • Preparation of necessary planning documents
  • Creation of a construction schedule based on the framework schedule
  • Planning for crane installations
  • Coordination with authorities including required documents
  • Preservation of evidence
  • Organising and holding meetings
  • Installation and operation of construction site containers with on-site personnel
  • On-site compliance checks
  • Coordination with emergency services

Conclusion by Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Schuhmann, Team Leader Construction Logistics

“Logistics consists of 99.9% logic. For us, service means seeing issues and problems through the eyes of our clients and acting accordingly.”


Rely on DELTA for comprehensive and proactive construction logistics that move your project forward efficiently and safely meet all legal and technical requirements.

Please do not hesitate to contact us