
Fischer ski shop, Mukachevo, Ukraine

Project Details


Fischer Sports GmbH

Fischer Sports GmbH is an Austrian company, a world leader in the production of consumables for winter sports, one of the leading manufacturers of world brands of mountain and cross-country beds, hockey keys, well-known innovations and advanced technologies.

Production groups of capacities are located in Ryd im Inkrais (Austria) and Mukachevo (Ukraine). The Ukrainian-Austrian enterprise with foreign investments in the form of a limited liability company “Fischer-Mukachevo” is a subsidiary of Fischer Sports GmbH in Ukraine, where one of the largest industrial facilities for the production of sports equipment for winter sports is located in Europe.
Duration of works: 2020-2022.

The total area of ​​the reconstruction: 21,839 square meters.

DELTA Ukraine services

  • General design
  • Author supervision
  • Construction management

Special features

  • Most of the mountain and cross-country beds represented on the market by the Fischer brand are manufactured in Transcarpathia.
  • In October 2020, a fire occurred in the lower workshop of UAP “Fischer-Mukachevo” LLC, during which the production equipment and the workshop building were significantly damaged.
  • The Fischer company decided not only to rebuild the one-story building of the bed workshop but also to completely modernize the production technology.
  • To implement the project in Ukraine, a company with which Fischer has many years of cooperation experience in Austria and Europe was invited.
  • Construction and assembly works are provided by more than 10 Austrian and Ukrainian companies under the general management of the general contractor Alpha Construction Ukraine.
  • Short deadlines for the execution of works without loss of quality are one of the features of the work on the project for DELTA Ukraine, finally, such tasks were set by the customer.
  • During the reconstruction, fire safety measures were strengthened in the workshop, and the requirements of both Ukrainian and European standards and regulations were taken into account in the process of its design. The supply of technological equipment of a new generation has already begun, some of which will be used for the first time at the factory in Mukachevo.
  • Austrian company Fischer focuses on social, environmental, and economic sustainability. When choosing materials for domestic and foreign production, quality and environmental friendliness were taken into account.

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