
UNICEF. Overhaul of electromechanical equipment, Ukraine

Project Details

Customer: UNICEF Project duration: 2020 DELTA Ukraine services:
  • Tender Preparation, Procurement and Processing
  • Technical Supervision
  • Quality control
Overhaul UNICEF - Overhaul of 3 electric motors with a capacity of 8 MW and 3 transformers with a capacity of 63 MW in the Donetsk region.
Features of the project:
  • Children need clean drinking water, proper sanitary conditions and hygienic practices for a full life and growth.
  • Millions of people suffer due to interruptions in water supply and a lack of sanitary and hygienic services in the east of Ukraine. Access to clean drinking water remains a pressing issue in conflict-affected areas. Interruptions in centralized water supply are happening more and more often.
  • DELTA Ukraine carried out a major overhaul of electromechanical equipment that agrees to purify water, including tender consideration, quality assurance during implementation, supervision, monitoring and reporting.
  • Geographically, three areas were found in the Slovyan district of the Donetsk region: Semenivka, Orikhovatka, Mayorsk.

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