Seekirchen – district administration Salzburg suroundings
Project Details
- Country Salzburg
- Project duration: 2020 – 2023
- Area: approx. 35,200 m² GFA
- Usable floor space: approx. 23,400 m² GFA
DELTA’s services
- General planner management
- Tendering & award management
- Technical and commercial supervision
- Local construction supervision
- Data pool
Special features
- An office made of wood: making construction and material visible was a leitmotif
- Office building as a place of integrity and transparency
- Six wooden cubes of different heights on a plinth blend seamlessly into the surroundings
- Wood is the central building material
- Generous glazing and green spaces on several levels
- Focus on climate justice in the energy supply
- Heat supply via the local heating network of Seekirchen
- Supply air is preheated via a ground collector
- In summer: floor cooling, fed from geothermal deep probes
- “klimaaktiv” standard
Copyright: © Christian Brandstätter