Review & guidelines: 13th Congress of IG Lebenszyklus Bau
17. November 2023

“Resilience is the keyword of the hour! At the 13th IG Lebenszyklus Bau congress on November 14, we highlighted resilience strategies and concrete solutions – in the short, medium and long term – in keynotes and top-class discussions on how the construction and real estate industry must react to crises and changes now and in the coming years in order to remain successful in the future,” explains Wolfgang Kradischnig, spokesman for IG Lebenszyklus Bau & Managing Director of the DELTA Group.

Every year, IG LEBENSZYKLUS BAU and its working groups publish the results of their work in guidelines, specialist guides and video recordings of the most important events and keynotes. In this way, IG LEBENSZYKLUS BAU provides the industry and an interested public with knowledge about the key issues and challenges facing the construction and real estate industry.
Guidelines that were developed with the help of DELTA (Wolfgang Kradischnig, Felicitas Stocker, Sofia Lagopati, Lukas Clementschitsch) and others:
- Future-oriented handling of existing buildings (2023): A compact overview of the topic of building refurbishment.
- Certification Compass ESG Part 1 – Greenwashing, building and system certifications (2023): Legal pitfalls of greenwashing.
All currently available guides for free download:
Image credit: © Leo Hagen/IG Lebenszyklus Bau