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HOF Award for the DOCK IN FOUR building

The DOCK IN FOUR office building received a special award for its contribution to architectural development. DELTA Group ČR warmly congratulates its client Crestyl for winning the first place at the HOF AWARDS (Hall of Fame Awards) in the category Best of the Best Architectural Development. This year’s competition included building projects from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia.

The DELTA Group ČR team is very pleased that they were able to play their part in the high-quality thanks to their partnership approach to coordinating the project. However, this is not the first award for the project: the DOCK IN FOUR has already received LEED GOLD certification, which also speaks for the high-quality standard of this ten-story office building.

Intelligent project data management

Digital tools that simplify overall project management and communication in the project have also contributed significantly to high quality and efficiency in the management and coordination of construction work. This is managed by the digital Common Data Environment Datenpool developed by DELTA. Datenpool ensures reliable distribution of documents and updating of data in construction projects, including efficient communication within the entire project team. The use of PlanRadar software has also been crucial in the smooth management and high-quality standard of work execution.

In this video, you can take a closer look at the DOCK IN FOUR office building.

You can read more information about the project HERE.

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