Holistic and digital solutions at “Schauplatz Fabrikplanung”
07. September 2020

DELTA, Fraunhofer Austria and step2solution organized another workshop of “Schauplatz Fabrikplanung – from the first idea to successful operation” on the 17th of January 2019 in Graz. The program included best practice examples, demonstrations of digital innovations and keynote speeches by project managers, builders and experts. Employer branding, human-robot cooperation and digital simulation were just some of the exciting topics. Concrete examples of practice such as those of Wacker Neuson, Legero, Ekom and Fronius were presented. DELTA, Fraunhofer Austria and step2solution started the day of the Workshop with an introduction of their associated services. Researchers, strategists and building experts of the companies have been working together for several years to optimally support their customers through the holistic process of factory planning. The success of the business cooperation is mainly due to the combination of science and practice as well as the integrated approach from the detailed planning of a factory to optimal operation. At the World Café table of the international company Fronius, the participants learned about the factory planning with hall extension and a new pavilion with the support of step2solution. The first step was to define the common project goals. The most important factors were the stronger process orientation and shorter lead times. Based on this, the segmentation of the hall and the target value streams per segment were worked out with the involved departments and represented in a layout. Following the successful rebuilding and expansion of the new factory’s production hall, the lessons learned for the future were also documented. Best Practice with step2solution and Wacker Neuson When it comes to launching the factory, the employees are the most precious resource. Job security, a collegial atmosphere and appreciation by the manager were identified as important factors for an attractive employer. Fraunhofer Austria presented efficient factory operation with the help of human-robot cooperation. The productivity of employees and the work system are increased with digital assistance systems and augmented reality. Ergonomic improvements and load reductions with human-robot cooperation are also a great advantage for both the employees and the company.
GrAPPA from Fraunhofer Austria The participants also got the opportunity to experience the digital platform “Datenpool” up close. It is used in projects for efficient communication and reliable distribution of documents. Developed by the building and IT experts DELTA themselves, the tool with its comprehensive search function, structured storage and configurable workflows offers everything that is needed for a project with many different participants. Using the data pool does not require the installation of programs or plug-ins, and e-mails can be omitted by quickly uploading and saving documents.
Datenpool from DELTA Group
Financing and taxation law with the tpa group After the official program, the participants let the evening end by enjoying Italian delicacies together with the organizers. One participant summed up his day for us: “It has become clear to me how important the integrated factory planning is, from the production system to the constructional implementation. It turned out that only an active process leads to success.” Some impressions of the event can be seen in the video for “Schauplatz Fabrikplanung” in Linz as well as in Bratislava: Schauplatz Fabrikplanung Bratislava