Start of construction for “Freistadt Clinic” master plan with comprehensive service package from DELTA Group
17. June 2024
Our architecture division Delta Pods Architects and DELTA Baumanagement (building construction management) are responsible for the architectural planning of all service phases as well as ÖBA, project management, structural planning, building physics, fire protection, BauKG and, in a further construction phase (new construction), “klimaaktiv” certification.
The project duration is from 2023 to 2029; the client is OÖ Gesundheitsholding GmbH. The first stage will see the implementation of a ward for acute geriatrics/remobilization with 16 beds and four outpatient care places. This is intended to improve medical/nursing and therapeutic care and ensure sustainable, future-oriented care in the region in line with the requirements of the RSG (Regional Structure Plan for Health). The rooms of the gynecological outpatient clinic from the 3rd floor will be rebuilt on the 2nd floor, thus creating an independent, clearly separated outpatient area. In addition, necessary adaptations such as conversions and renovations will be carried out in various parts of the building.
A THANK YOU to the entire project team comes from Konrad Scheibl (management) and Heike Leonhardt (project management) from DELTA as well as Reinhold Mittermayr as the client representative of OÖ Gesundheitsholding GmbH. We look forward to the next milestones!